by acfehrzul

NEW !!!, Ini adalah informasi penting yang akan saya share kepada para pencari dollar lainnya yang bosan dengan penghasilan yang kecil dan pas-pasan, Untuk Itu baca aja dulu untuk tahu lebih lanjut  mengenai program pencari uang ini.(NOT SCAM).

Gimana rasanya kalau kita diberi website afiliate/reseller secara gratis, yang potensinya memberikan penghasilan antara $5 sampai $30 per member yang kita rekrut, lalu kemudian promosi atau marketing web kita itu dilakukan oleh seorang Master yang sudah sangat berpengalaman dan punya income jutaan dollar? Kira-kira hasilnya luar biasa gak? Siapa dia? Namanya Tissa Godavitarne.
Tissa Godavitarne merupakan salah satu affiliater sukses & terpercaya dari Amerika yang mampu mengantungi lebih dari 2.2 Juta Dollar hanya dari salah satu program affiliasi yang dia ikuti, beliau juga telah mendapatkan sertifikat penghargaan dari Google Adwords sebagai salah satu Advertiser yang telah mengeluarkan budget lebih dari $ 600.000 USD untuk periklanan di program mereka.

Program ini memerlukan virtual rekening di internet, namanya paypal.. sudah punya belum,?, kalau belum daftar dulu dech  Paypal disini

Nah bisnis inilah yang ingin saya ceritakan. Programnya bernama APS (Acme People Search). Kalau anda ikut program ini, dalam waktu kurang dari 24 jam, komisi $125 sudah masuk ke account kita. Lalu akan terus bertambah antara $5 – $30 per member yang kita rekrut. Belum lagi ada residual income dari berbagai sumber yang telah tersedia di bisnis ini. Dan uangnya bisa ditransfer ke rekening paypal kita. Jadi siap-siap deh banjiri paypal nya ya Kalau anda belum tahu punya rekening paypal.

Apa itu APS (Acme People Search)?

(APS) adalah mesin pencari (search engine) yang dikhususkan untuk mempermudah pencarian nama orang, alamat atau nomor telepon mereka. Mesin pencari ini dikerjakan selama 2 tahun dengan biaya $100,000 oleh Tissa Gotavitarne. Dari program ini penciptanya meraup lebih dari $2 juta per tahun.

Bisa dibilang, secara konsep (APS) adalah program afiliasi yang menggabungkan semua program penghasil uang di internet dalam satu tempat. Apa saja program penghasil uang yang tergabung dalam “Acme people search”? Antara lain, clickbank, adsense, GDI (Global Domain International), HD publishing, dan banyak program lainnya.

Bagaimana APS menghasilkan uang untuk Anda?

Jika Anda menjadi affiliate APS, maka peluang Anda terbuka lebar untuk mendapatkan uang banyak, sebagian besar adalah residual/passive income. Pembayaran dilakukan dua kali dalam satu bulan, yaitu setiap tanggal 14/15 dan tanggal 28 pada tiap bulan. Telah banyak orang di seluruh belahan dunia menikmati kesuksesan dalam program ini, termasuk beberapa gelintir orang dari Indonesia. Silakan lihat daftar orang-orang yang telah sukses mendapat penghasilan di “Acme search People” dengan klik disini http://Acme-People-Search.com

Beginilah caranya APS menjadi mesin uang bagi Anda:

Dengan search engine: setiap ada orang yang melakukan pencarian dan melakukan pemesanan terhadap barang yang dicarinya, Anda mendapatkan komisi dari Clickbank, HD Publishing atau Mylife.
Dengan program affiliasi dari APS sendiri: setiap ada orang yang bergabung dengan Anda, Anda akan mendapat komisi dari APS sampai maksimum $30 untuk satu kali.
Dengan program afiliasi dari GDI atau Lunar Page. Orang yang bergabung di APS secara otomatis diarahkan untuk membeli domain dari GDI atau Lunar Page. Anda akan mendapatkan fee dan residual income dari mereka.
Inilah sumber-sumber uangnya:

Clickbank akan membayar Anda sebesar sampai $30.40 setiap kali ada orang yang melakukan pembelian atas hasil pencarian yang dilakukan dengan search engine Anda.
Reunion (Mylife) akan membayar setiap kali Anda mendapatkan lead ditambah 25% dari nilai pembelian dari barang yang dipesan melalui search engine Anda.
HD Publishing akan membayar Anda $20 setiap kali ada orang memesan produk setelah melakukan pencarian dengan search engine Anda.
Google Akan membayar Anda setiap ada klik pada iklan Google (Adsense) yang terdapat pada link Anda.
Tissa akan membayar Anda sampai $30 setiap referral Anda bertahan pada step 3 selama 65 hari.
Jika Anda menjadi anggota Wealthy Affiliate University, Lunar Pages akan membayar Anda sampai $110 untuk setiap referral yang Anda bawa untuk membeli domain dari Lunar Pages.
Berapa Potensi Income dari APS?

Tidak terbatas. Tetapi realitasnya tergantung pada kerja Anda. Untuk tahap awal selama 1 bulan APS akan melakukan promosi gratis untuk Anda. Ini yang bisa Anda dapatkan:

$125 dalam 24 jam pertama sejak web search engine anda mulai dipromosikan secara gratis oleh Tissa.
Referral fee dari APS untuk setiap anggota yang bergabung sampai sebesar $30/sign-up (untuk satu kali saja).
Komisi dari GDI untuk setiap pembelian domain dan residual income setiap bulan selanjutnya.
Komisi dari Clickbank, HD Pubslishing dan Mylife sesuai pembelian.
Komisi dari Lunar Page (kalau orang memilih membeli domain dari Lunar Page); Ini hanya berlaku untuk mereka yang bergabung dengan Wealthy Affiliate University.
Secara keseluruhan Anda bisa menghasilkan uang tanpa batas. Tetapi target paling realistis adalah sekitar $3000-$5000 setiap bulan. Pembayaran dilakukan via akun paypal sehingga proses mudah dan efektif.

Bagaimana Cara Bergabung dengan
Acme People Search?
Klik disini http://Acme-People-Search.com untuk masuk ke halaman registrasi.
Anda langsung berada di halaman di mana Anda diminta memasukkan alamat email. Setelah memasukkan email, memasukkan kode capcha yang sudah tersedia dan mengklik “Create my People Search engine”, maka sebuah email akan dikirim secara otomatis kepada Anda.
Buka email Anda, cari email yang dikirim oleh “Your Search Engine”. Lalu lakukan konfirmasi (klik link yang diberikan di email tsb) . Langkah ini PENTING sekali.
Setelah itu akan datang lagi sebuah email dari “Your Search Engine”. Sekarang isinya adalah user name dan password untuk bisa masuk ke member area APS. Loginlah dengan menggunakan user name dan password tersebut.
Selesaikan Minimal Step – 1
Setelah Anda login: klik tulisan STEP 1 to success affiliatize.

Disini, Anda harus mendaftar sebagai affiliate pada Clickbank, HD Publishing dan Mylife (Union) melalui link yang tersedia di sana. Kalau sebelumnya sudah terdaftar, Anda tidak perlu mendaftar lagi; langsung saja gunakan ID yang sudah ada. Semua pendaftaran ini gratis.

Anda harus mendaftar di ke-3 situs tersebut untuk mendapatkan bonus $125 dan mendapat URL link untuk mulai mencari dollar. Lumayan loh, minimal $5 per referral! Karena itu fokus untuk menuntaskan step – 1. Cara mendaftarnya mudah saja, dan GRATIS. Selesai mendaftar Anda akan dikasih ID (cek di email nantinya), nah kode ID itulah yang dimasukan ke kotak form masing-masing.

Untuk MyLife, jika disuruh memasukan no credit card, sementara masukkan saja misalnya nomor kartu tabungan anda. Sedangkan untuk TaxID, anda isikan dengan data sembarang dulu dengan format XX-XXXXXXX. Lalu untuk website information, isi dengan alamat URL blog anda. Kalau belum punya, anda bisa isi dengan URL blog teman anda
Untuk HDPublishing, jangan lupa pilih Outsite USA, dan pada form “Optional Checking account information for ACH”, kosongkan aja.
Sampai disini, sebenarnya sudah cukup. Anda sudah bisa melanjutkan bisnis APS anda untuk menambah income, selain yang telah diberikan oleh Tissa $125. Minimalnya anda sudah bisa meraih $5 per referral. Jika referal Anda kurang memenuhi syarat yang diberlakukan (misalnya tidak aktif), Anda memperoleh komisi hanya $1 per referal.


Jika Anda hanya menyelesaikan step-1saja, maka income Anda adalah $125, ditambah dengan komisi referral $5/affiliate. Namun kalau anda menyelesaikan step 2 (monetize) & step 3 (advertise), maka komisi anda naik menjadi $30/member.

Jika Anda melengkapi langkah 2 (minimal pilih GDI), Anda akan mempunyai “Search People Engine” milik Anda sendiri yang sangat luar biasa yang memiliki potensi mesin uang sepanjang hidup Anda karena:

Search engine itu dapat menghasilkan uang dari clickbank, google adsense yang kita miliki.
Search engine itu pasti dicari dan digunakan orang, khususnya orang US karena dapat mencari orang lengkap dengan alamat dan nomor telepon di lebih 50 negara bagian US
Anda akan mendapat komisi tambahan sebesar $10 dari setiap referal Anda yang ternyata tertarik memenuhi langkah 2 dan aktif selama 45 hari.
Okey, selamat berjuang! Salam dollar …


.Jangan sungkan jika ada yang perlu ditanyakan.
Post a comment here... Paypal Banjir Uang dengan Tissa affiliate programs
by acfehrzul

Nama Yuwie akhir-akhir ini mulai naik daun,karena Yuwie merupakan salah satu situs social networking terbesar yang membagi hasil pendapatannya dengan seluruh member yang bergabung.
Kegiatan yang anda lakukan dalam halaman Yuwie akan berbuah dolar. Ada banyak aktivitas yang bisa dilakukan melalui Yuwie, mulai dari upload foto, berkomunikasi dengan teman, mengajak teman untuk bergabung, chatting, nulis artikel blog, membuat komentar.
Anda bisa mengunjungi situs Yuwie di http://www.yuwie.com
Atau bagi anda yang ingin melihat profil saya, silahkan gunakan link berikut: http://ww3.yuwie.com/profile/?id=1019993
Untuk menjadi member Yuwie, klik “Sign Up” yang terdapat pada deretan paling atas. Mengapa saya meminta anda untuk membuka halaman profile saya?
Sebab, jika anda mengklik link “Sign Up” tanpa dari halaman referal maka akan muncul pesan seperti ini:
If so, you need to go back and click the link they sent you again!
Jika hal ini terjadi, klik saja OK dan isikan referred by dengan nomor ID 1019993
Isikan data yang lainnya sesuai dengan yang diminta. Untuk Personal URL adalah URL pribadi anda nantinya, misalnya “http://www.yuwie.com/nama-anda”
Jangan lupa memberikan tanda ceklist pada tempat yang dsediakan, kemudian klik tombol “Next“.
Berikutnya anda akan ditawari berbagai program, apabila anda tidak tertarik, klik saja “SKIP“.
Terakhir anda akan di bawa ke halaman Control Panel. Disana anda bisa melakukan apa saja mulai dari membuat blog, mengubah profil, melihat penghasilan dan sebagainya. Yuwie akan memberikan dolar kepada anda setiap aktivitas yang anda lakukan di dalamnya,
Post a comment here... Cari uang dari Yuwie
by acfehrzul

How do you start referring new users to PayPal?
First, log in to your PayPal account and click the “Referrals” link at the menu at the very bottom. In the next page you’ll find your referral link and banners you can use to promote your link.
Blog or write about PayPal and your experiences using it. Tell people the good and bad things about PayPal. What is it that you like? What sucks? You can also give them tips on how to better use PayPal or ways to earn money with it.
Of course, in each of those posts, don’t forget to include your PayPal referral link! Happy earning!

Would you mind to be my refferals... Please register Paypal here

Or  By this Banner below
Post a comment here... Earn Money with paypal (Very Recommended)
by acfehrzul

Wow this is awesome I think,  Its works  So just downloads the Ebook about Hacking Paypal here
Post a comment here... NEW RELEASE !!! Hey I found it The ebook about Hacking the paypal
by acfehrzul

  I found this somewhere at google, So if you want to give it a try then is up to you

1) The following complete hacking tutorial contains materials that may not be suitable for irresponsible internet users, reader discretion is advised!
2) The hacking method is based on a secretly discovered security flaw in the PayPal (www.paypal.com) mailing address confirmation system. It will only work BEFORE PayPal discovers this serious security flaw and fixes it. Take your action FAST!
3) This method works only works for hackers with PayPal accounts with CONFIRMED MAILING ADDRESSES. It will never work for PayPal user without a confirmed mailing address. 4) By strictly following instructions in the following tutorial, you’ll gain unlimited access to various PayPal accounts with confirmed mailing addresses. Use those accounts AT YOUR OWN RISK. You’re responsible for your action!
5) When you use PayPal, NEVER log on to sites that do not start EXACTLY with www.paypal.com even if it contains the term “paypal” in it.
COMPLETE TUTORIAL ON HACKING INTO PAYPAL ACCOUNTS: If your in a hurry skip Down to HACKING PROCESS Since its birth in 1998, eBay owned company PayPal (www.paypal.com) has become a hugely popular internet banking company, as the brand-new idea of sending money to anyone in the world through Email has won hearts of millions of internet users worldwide, the number of members of PayPal has been skyrocketing since. PayPal is now by far the most successful internet banking company. However, insecurity on the internet has been a great problem since the beginning of the boom of the dotcom economy; all famous computers companies have been victims of hackers from around the globe due to security flaws in its system . Microsoft is recent victim of the W32.Blaster.Worm virus which has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise a computer running Microsoft Windows and gain control over it. Microsoft took immediate action after the spread of the virus, however, a considerable amount of computers worldwide have been victimized and the Blaster Worm is still at large. More information on this security flaw in the Microsoft Windows and the nature of the virus can be found at: http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.blaster.worm. html Like Microsoft, PayPal is the latest victim of internet hackers. Despite the company’s seemingly perfect security system, a serious security flaw in the ADDRESS CONFIRMATION PROCESS of PayPal’s members’ accounts has been discovered by a few experienced hackers from Russia.
The hacking process has been simplified a while ago and it was revealed on a Russian language hacking website. PayPal was immediately alerted of this security flaw after the Russian language hacking tutorial was published on the website, but in order to prevent its customers from losing trust in internet banking, PayPal chose NOT to alert its customers of this security flaw and has then secretly BANNED numerous online articles that contained information of this security flaw. However, it has been confirmed that due to technical difficulty, PayPal has NOT yet fixed the problem and at this moment right now, anyone can STILL hack into a great number of PayPal accounts with confirmed addresses.
To inform users worldwide of this problem, I’ve attached an English version of the hacking process. Remember, to get the whole thing to work, you MUST STRICTLY follow the instructions and have a PayPal account with a confirmed mailing address!
HACKING PROCESS: Every PayPal member is identified by his/her Email and the majority of the PayPal members use Yahoo or Hotmail. After completion of the mailing address confirmation process, usually by adding a CREDIT CARD, PayPal automatically sends the user’s address confirmation info to a mailerbot associated with the user’s Email, in most cases, it’s either a Yahoo mailerbot or Hotmail mailerbot. The security flaw occurs RIGHT HERE! Both Yahoo and Hotmail mailerbots can be confused by a random user and sends out information saved on its server to that user. 

To get PayPal account information of numerous random PayPal users from a Yahoo or Hotmail mailerbot, you have to do the following:
1) Log into your www.paypal.com homepage, and click on “Profile”, and then click on “Street Address” under “Account Information”.
2) Find the Address whose status is “Home”, and if it says “confirmed”, then please read on. Basically, A Confirmed Address is any address at which you receive your credit card statement. If you receive a credit card bill at this address, you can confirm it by entering your credit card information. This information will only be used to confirm your address. Your card will not be charged by PayPal. So, if your Home address is NOT confirmed, then FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON PAYPAL AND ADD A CREDIT CARD TO CONFIRM YOUR MAILING ADDRESS.
3) Okay, There are two bots which this will work for. I. If you want account with Yahoo email, then: Log in to your paypal email account and send an Email to: paypalpass_access@yahoo.com (This is the Yahoo mailerbot described above) In the subject line, write: 0yah3534paypal78verif-0e24 (To confuse the Yahoo mailerbot)
In the email body, please write exactly 11 lines, which MUST BE as follows:
In line 1: Content-Type: text/plain;
In line 2: charset=us-ascii (To make the reply readable)
In line 3: address000%%confirmation0e24.yahoo.com (To confuse the mailerbot)
In line 4: p38ylec00rm::s%%http://www.paypal.com%% (To make the mailerbot start retrieving information acquired from PayPal.)
In line 5: Your primary email at paypal then coma then the password of this e mail account (To retrieve information from PayPal, The mailerbot now needs an Email which is the primary Email of a PayPal account with a confirmed mailing address, you have to use your own Email as a bait Email and you’ll need to receive info of other accounts from this Email too, so be sure this is your primary Email at PayPal.)
In line 6: start (retrieve > 0) (To activate the mailerbot’s retrieval function)
In line 7: verified (*value= = float) (To continue the mailerbot’s retrieval function)
In line 8: Your PayPal password (Now you have to enter your paypal password, as the yahoo mailerbot was programmed in a way that it sends testing info to PayPal who’ll verify each account’s password and confirm it with the Yahoo mailerbot. So in line 8, you have to enter your valid/correct password of your PayPal account.)
In line 9: #searchmsgend72hr (To search for info of PayPal members who had their addresses confirmed in the last 72 hours)
In line 10 send&&idR20034-tsa-0583 (This will make the mailerbot send all the info to your email)
In line 11 #endofmsg (Last step!) Note: Please STRICTLY follow the instruction above and you’ll be guaranteed to get an automatic reply from the confused Yahoo mailerbot! Then you’ll have email, password and all sorts of information of PayPal users who had their mailing addresses confirmed over the last 72 hours.
II.If you want account with hotmail email. Log into your paypal email account and send an Email to: paypalpass_access@hotmail.com (This is the hotmail mailerbot that deals with PayPal hotmail registration) The hotmail mailerbot was programmed in a very similar way to the yahoo one, however, they’re NOT the same. So you have to strictly follow the instructions below to get it to work.
In the subject line, write: 8hot34mail%%tqui3-paypal-35fe2 (This is how you confuse the Hotmail mailerbot)
In the email body, you have to write 14 lines which must be exactly the same as below:
In line 1: Content-Type: text/plain;
In line 2: charset=us-ascii (To make the reply readable)
In line 3: Lang-set%%eng (To set the language to English)
In line 4: server&&bot::www.paypal.com%%hotmail%%registry (To confuse the hotmail mailerbot.)
In line 5: p35sqelmms::s%%http://www.paypal.com%% (To make the mailerbot start retrieving information acquired from PayPal.)
In line 6: Your primary email at paypal then coma then the password of this e mail account(To retrieve information from PayPal, The hotmail mailerbot now needs an Email which is the primary Email of a PayPal account with a confirmed mailing address, you have to use your own hotmail Email as a bait Email and you’ll need to receive info of other accounts from this Email too, so be sure this is your primary Email at PayPal.)
In line 7: /start*a-z%%retrieval/ (To activate the mailerbot’s retrieval function)
In line 8: verified (*value= = float) (To continue the mailerbot’s retrieval function)
In line 9: Your PayPal password (Now you have to enter your paypal password, as the Hotmail mailerbot was programmed in a way that it sends testing info to PayPal who’ll verify each account’s password and confirm it with the Hotmail mailerbot. So now you have to enter your valid/correct password of your PayPal account.)
In line 10: #searchmsgend72hr (To search for info of PayPal members who had their addresses confirmed in the last 72 hours)
In line 11: #searchend (To finish the search on the server)
In line 12: deliver&&return-path<*> (This will make the Hotmail mailerbot send all the info to your email)
In line 13: #endif (Last step) Note: Please STRICTLY follow the instruction above and you’ll be guaranteed to get an automatic reply from the confused Hotmail mailerbot! Then you’ll have email, password and all sorts of information of PayPal users who had their mailing addresses confirmed over the last 72 hours.
REMINDER: Above is the complete tutorial of hacking into PayPal accounts, and here is a reminder of the most important things mentioned above.
1) You must have a confirmed mailing address in your own PayPal account to get the whole thing to work, otherwise neither the yahoo nor hotmail mailerbot will be confused by your code and hence the hacking will fail. You can confirm your mailing address by adding a CREDIT CARD on PayPal.
2) By strictly following the instructions in this tutorial, you’ll have unlimited access to various PayPal accounts, however, YOU MUST USE THEM AT YOUR OWN RISK! YOU MUST BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS.
3) PayPal will be expected to fix this security flaw in their server very soon, so this ONLY works BEFORE they fix this flaw. TAKE YOUR ACTION FAST, IF YOU DECIDE TO DO IT.
4) For security issues, please remember that any site that does not start with www.paypal.com is NOT a real paypal website, please confirm your mailing address ONLY at www.paypal.com so that you can succeed in hacking.

Post a comment here... Paypal Hack
by acfehrzul

Want to see friend of Kung fu Panda Take some kungfu action too, then DOWNLOAD THE VIDEO HERE
Post a comment here... Kungfu Bear
by acfehrzul

This ebook basically is an excerpt of an Aaron Matthew Wall’s Search Engine Optimization Book. Aaron pick one chapter, “Pay Per Click”, and gives it away to visitors.
Google AdWords & Yahoo! PPC Tips’ Table of Contents:
  • Before You Start
  • What is Pay Per Click?
  • Yahoo! Search Marketing
  • Ad Writing Tips
  • Customer Tracking and Bid Management
  • Earning (and Buying) Trust
  • Google Adwords
  • Bonus Info: How to Improve Clickthrough Rate and Slash Google AdWords Costs to Maximize Profits:
  • Microsoft AdCenter
  • Resources Cited
While the entire SEO Book covers many other search engine marketing strategies such as:
  • Keyword research
  • Choosing a domain name
  • Placing keywords in your page copy
  • Website submission
  • Link building
  • Effectively using SEO tools
  • Tracking your progress
and many other topics, DOWNLOAD THE EBOOK HERE
Post a comment here... Google AdWords & Yahoo! PPC Tips